Meet The Team
HBS Painting Inc. is a people oriented, service company. We build on the integrity of every person that is part of our team. Integrity means that we are truthful and honest in all areas of life, in our professional work and in our personal lives. When faced with difficult decisions and hard choices, we do the right thing, even in the face of adversity. We are committed to our values and we protect our company culture through our commitment to possessing integrity at an organizational level. We carry out each action with honesty, fostering trustworthiness among each other, with our customers, and in our dealings with others. Meet the men and women of integrity that make us who we are.

Bob Hoppe


Serving as Director of Operations as well as Primary Estimator for Hoppe Brothers & Sons, Bob uses his knowledge to lead the operations of Hoppe Brothers & Sons. Bob served several position on the board for the local chapter of PDCA (Painting & Decorating Contractors of America) including President as well as a member of Vistage International. With the knowledge gained through his educational pursuits and relationships created in PDCA, Vistage, and networking, Bob has developed a highly-respected position in the industry. Committed to running an operation of integrity and honesty, Bob’s vision for the future is Hoppe Brothers competitive advantage staying ahead of the rest utilizing technology, education, and continued training.

Direct: (714) 221-0405

Michael Hoppe


Michael’s passion for finishing and his innovative ideas keep us on the cutting-edge. Michael enjoys sharing his passion of creativity with our clientele and he holds a special ability to take ideas and descriptions of finishes with only a few adjectives and turn them into reality! With a deep understanding of decorative painting and product chemistry, Michael has excelled in the industry and continues to break through barriers. Michael’s deep product understanding gives us a strong advantage over competition and promotes product durability and toughness. Committed to ensure our compliance with environmental regulations and limiting our environmental footprint, Michael’s chemistry knowledge gives us an undeniable advantage in this arena.

Travis Hoppe

Customer Relations / Field Manager

Travis Hoppe joined the Hoppe Brothers & Sons team full-time in 2009 after completing his Associates Degree at Santiago Canyon College. Travis worked part-time during his time at Santiago acting as the team member’s point-of-contact running supplies and tools needed on-site since 2005. This period of time familiarized him well with our team, products, and customers. Since graduation, Travis has discovered a passion for the craft of painting and finishing working alongside Michael and Frank where he has learned trade secrets from some of the most valued sources in the industry. Travis currently is acting as a team lead and project manager. Travis has been successful in rising to his current position quickly from a system of internal promotion after starting at the bottom; a system implemented by first generation founders Howard and William. Spanning from his teenage years, Travis has worked his way through the system and deploys a fundamental understanding of the Hoppe Brothers culture of professionalism and attentiveness in his leadership and management position today.

Direct: (714) 221-0404

Tyler Hoppe

Corporate Secretary / Controller

Tyler Hoppe has been working for Hoppe Brothers & Sons since 2004. Starting at the bottom and working up, Tyler has worked to understand all aspects of our services and is constantly working to improve accuracy and efficiency, primarily through technology. After graduating high school in 2006, Tyler attended California State University of Fullerton and graduated in 2011 earning his Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration with an emphasis in General Management. During his educational pursuit, Tyler worked to bring course concepts and knowledge back to Hoppe Brothers, many of which have proved beneficial and are in place today. Since graduating, Tyler has been a full-time team member and has been dedicated to learning the business inside out including tasks such as customer satisfaction indicators, team member skill sets, administration policies, service qualifiers/winners/losers, accounting systems, and profitable job management. Today Tyler holds a solid understanding of Hoppe Brothers & Sons operation and his role has transitioned to company controller overseeing all administrative tasks including payables, receivables, benefit packages, payroll, legal compliance, etc.

Direct: (714) 221-0401

Frank Buenrostro

Customer Relations / Field Manager

Frank Buenrostro currently acts as the field-operations director for Hoppe Brothers & Sons. Dating back to 1984 when Frank joined our team as a young apprentice, Frank has worked his way through the ranks to his current position. Holding a special understanding of our clientele and market, Frank uses his uniquely diverse skill set to effectively problem solve almost any issue he faces. One of Frank’s most valuable characteristics is his tranquility; the team relies heavily on Frank when conditions seem daunting, but time after time Frank proves his ability through his calm nature and profound expertise to efficiently troubleshoot the situation to solution. Although Frank is in high demand, he still exposes his passion for his craft and hunger for knowledge through his continued on-site participation in all aspects of the industry including anything from rudimentary sanding to intricate chemistry experiments with new product technology. After decades of loyalty and professionalism, Frank is widely considered throughout to be one of the Hoppe family.

Carlos Rodriguez

Sales & Relations

Carlos Rodriguez joined the Hoppe Brothers & Sons team in 1999. Carlos spent the first year on staff in the field working on-site with the team familiarizing himself with the industry and more importantly, our culture of customer service and quality. In 2001, after learning the ins-and-outs of our organization, Carlos began his transition to his true calling and current position: Sales and Estimates/Project Management. Carlos has spent years working closely with Bob learning the complex system of proposals and estimates. Investing in his thirst for knowledge, Carlos spent a year being formally trained in the field of blueprint analysis for increased accuracy and more efficient proposals. Along with his sales and estimation duties, Carlos is also responsible to oversee and manage the contracts he sells along with others. Acting as the primary point of contact for the team and enabling them to stay focused on their tasks, Carlos stays busy and can often be seen on-site ensuring efficiency.

Direct: (714) 221-0416

Tara Gross

Office Administration

Tara Gross joined Hoppe Brothers & Sons team in 2008. Through years of customer relations, Tara brings a multifaceted set of skills to Hoppe Brothers & Sons. Overseeing everything from the daily tasks including answering the phone and handling office needs, to receivables and payables, Tara has it all covered with a smile on her face!

Direct: (714) 221-0403